Monday, August 23, 2010

Checking In

Most everyone around here is starting school today, except us. I'm not ready and I'm giving myself an extra two weeks to get organized. I'm thinking, praying and planning. For the twins getting more than a couple days of speech a week is my goal. We're working with the department at our local hospital where Steve works to get them scheduled for individual therapy. The school can do their combined classes if they want, but I know they need individual attention since their speech issues are so different. Buster is understandable. His speech problems are in the language structure and stuttering and slow recall. For poor Missy it's all about articulation. We went hiking the other day and Missy hiked a long way with my dad and she talked NON-STOP and he could not make out more than half of it.

The twins are doing well. They are going with the flow. We still have cousins here so there's lots of activity going on. Buster has only wet his pants 2 times in the last week. I'm happy with that.
The habit of using the toilet is forming. :-)

I've kind of noticed that Missy is not such a control freak anymore. She isn't telling me how things have to be done or what she wants so much. She's been pretty laid back lately and it's nice. She's also learning that ignoring me, shrugging her shoulders or saying "I donno" doesn't work so well when I'm asking her a question and so she's making an effort to use words and answer. Her inclination to pretend she doesn't know is not necessarily the easy way out anymore.

Well, there's work to do, so off I go....

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