Monday, August 30, 2010

Sort of

Missy hurt her toe. She actually came for comfort. She actually cried in my lap.

A funny thing, though
she acted more mad than hurt.

She acted like it was very uncomfortable to come for comfort.
She didn't know what to do with it.

I eventually asked her if she was mad and she said no.
I told her to stay in my lap for awhile.
She got all fidgety
but the mad face didn't change.
Finally told her that she could go when the face matched the occasion.
She didn't get it.
She put on the happy face instead and the attitude followed suit.

Funny kid.

Well, at least she tried the comfort thing rather than
the silent, stoic thing the twins usually fall back on.

Someday she'll figure out the difference between 
hurt and mad,
sad and angry,
disappointed and furious,
and will know which facial expression goes with which.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

One of my girls has what we call "a fake face". I am also hoping one day she will feel comfortable enough to just be herself.