Sunday, August 15, 2010


The twins have been in bed since 6:30.... they  barely made it to their beds with their eyes open. Little Miss was past talking, hugs and saying goodnight .... she just wanted to SLEEP. The pace is beyond what they are used to.  I just knew Buster would fall apart today. I just knew he would, but he surprised me. He was annoyed that I expected them to follow our usual routine in the morning and there could be no play until all was completed... but I sat in his room and watched him make his bed and fold his pajamas and he soon decided that nothing was changing regardless of who was here and he got back into the mindset I expect.

He's kept his pants dry for 4 days now, which is great and I think it's partly due to the no underwear trick and partly due to the fact that he knows he would not get to go swimming with the boys if he wet himself - and that would be devastating!!!!

Buster's really not thrilled with the choice of fruit this week. The two fruit trees that are currently ripe are both plums; purple and yellow and he HATES fruit with pits. The nectarines were okay last week because you can cut them off the pit. Plums are too messy for that.

My sister and I took the youngest and went to buy peaches and other fruit for canning. She brought her canning jars from the Yukon. The rest of the kids went out and picked a big bucket wild blackberries. So, I took all the kids to the pool for a good long swim while my sister canned and made jam all afternoon. It smells like dill pickles in here!

1 comment:

GB's Mom said...

They are doing so well! Your company sounds fun :)