Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Prayers Needed

Walking through the shadows with our little buddies' family. They need lifting up to God in prayer. It seems like everything that could go wrong is going wrong. Integrity is being questioned. Relationships are falling apart, because what they were built on in the past life was a shaky, unreliable foundation at best... Pain is overwhelming, fear is paralyzing, temptation is strong, and loneliness stalks. Was there till late last night. I gave her Psalm 91 to read. I had Bible story and songs with the children, and just sang one song about Jesus' love after another while I rocked the Duckling to sleep. Please pray for them.
"Yet I still belong to you;
you hold my right hand.
You guide me with your counsel,
leading me to a glorious destiny.
Whom have I in heaven but you?
... I desire you more than anything on earth.
My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak,
but God remains the strength of my heart;
he is mine forever.....," Psalm 73:23-26
Missy has a new home-work helper.  Missy's progress was suddenly halted at school, and the one thing I could do something about was to get the in-home-care-giver back. I told them I didn't want some teenager, or a person who couldn't get themselves off the couch to greet the kiddo. I wanted someone who could be on time, could maintain a little authority, if needed, and was actually interested in working with Missy.  IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?  I tend to have too high of expectations. Thankfully, it was not. I got a gray haired Grandma who loves working with Missy and actually takes initiative to make things happen and come up with some of her own good ideas. She prefers to be outside and not intruding on the rest of the family. We set up a table and chairs under a tree and they are happy as clams out there. SO thankful.

The twins are on spring break.

The girls are back to school. Brianna thought she was all registered, and there was a glitch, and she was not registered at all. I think it took her most of the day, but she is officially enrolled in three classes online. That's going to be different!!

It's that season. Mowing has begun in earnest. Ugh! The grass is so long we can only go three feet before stalling. I transplanted my 300 tomato plants into 4 inch pots, knowing that in two weeks I get to do it all over again, only into the large posts.

The weather has been amazing. The kids play, and play and play in the pasture, building forts and biking all day.


Vertical Mom said...

Definitely praying for the buddies family :-(

Oldqueen44 said...

I am so sorry to hear this news. How defeating. Prayers for the mom... and you.