Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Rat Room

I haven't lost my steam.....

My mother dubbed the closet under the stairs The Rat Room. When we first moved into this {abandoned and repossessed} house there were mice. Actually, I can hardly recall ever moving into a house that did not either have mice or even a rat or two ....

Every woman needs a husband like mine.

He has always made it a priority to eradicate the rodents first thing and then he goes around with his cans of spray foam, extra strong wire mess and a  fine tooth comb looking for a crack  large enough for a spider to crawl thru and seals it up tight. We have NEVER had another mouse in any house after that. 

BUT of course, the nick name stuck. This is The Rat Room.  Before yesterday afternoon you would not have been able to walk in. Trust me, I dared not take a before picture.

I picked up another $12.99 dollar deal last evening. This file cabinet is a place for all my hubby's important papers. Which if you ask me, could just about take over the planet. I don't know why we never bought a file cabinet before.

The two boxes up by the front of the file cabinet are mine to sort.... photos and keepsakes, I think. Haven't decided how to handle them yet.

Oh my! But we have a lot of garbage these days!

Missy's pleasant attitude persists. We feel like a normal family. Why, she even practiced violin for an hour last evening! Whoever heard of that??

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