Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Memory Work Challenge

I made little headway in the de-clutter department yesterday outside of putting some bags of stuff in the back of the care and pawning off a few books on my friend. My next step in making that sitting room homey was to print up some of Brianna's best photography for the walls and the external hard drive has decided it has a problem and isn't sharing, so I'm sort of stuck. I found a plain, cozy throw in the right color to go on the love seat. My sister is making the pillow slips and saving me an applique for the throw so that they will all match. ONE PIECE at a TIME this will come together. We chose the carpet, but all our old cars decided they needed the attention first. Don't you love old cars ;-/

GYC has put out another memory verse challenge. They are memorizing the books of Revelation and James. I decided to start with James. If that's all I accomplish, then so be it. However, I already pretty much memorized  the first chapter of James. I can't believe how much easier it is than Acts.

A lot of those memorizing have joined the groups on Scripture Typer. I recommend it. It's a fun way to go. It's also fun to see where you rank so you can keep yourself motivated. It's special to know that people are praying for each other and nice to get the messages of encouragement. I go by Safords f. if you want to be my friend there. I am in the group James: Before Men and Angels. Seeing I am not smart enough to post the html tag successfully to this post I will put it in my side bar on the top left. Blessings! Hope to see you there. Lets fill our minds with the WORD.

PS. I am actually typing in all of my other memorized scriptures into the Scripture Typer program as I have time. It's a great tool for reviewing and helping one retain previously memorized portions of scripture. It's amazing. The things I memorized when I was a little kid are much more firmly planted than those that I have memorized since. And the Scriptures put to music and SOLID. No question about it. Music speaks my language.

1 comment:

My Strength and Song said...

De clutter... have some cupboard and cabinet to got through...
But memorizing I agree the set to music comes and stays so much easier. I'm amazed because it's still easy to learn music. Have a couple chapters of Rev down, well sketched out with music... sometime may have them recorded for sharing.