Monday, June 11, 2012

The New Kid

We've added to the chaos.

She's six, she's sweet and she is happy to help. She's a breath of fresh air.... so lively and interested. Everything is exciting and an adventure.

And no, she's not a foster child. And we are not adopting her. She has parents. Actually they are both social workers. Vanessa is babysitting this summer instead of working the cherries or other job away from home. She wanted and she found a way to just be home.... well, when she isn't in Europe.(Guess who will pick up the slack while she's gone?)

Carissa comes with a little schedule of violin practice, reading in English and reading in Spanish, etc.. Sooo hoping it rubs off on some kids I know. :-)

Actually, James was greatly influenced by her today. They did the dishes together, and cleaned the kitchen. They washed lettuce and went on adventures outdoors. She's just so happy and James caught the spirit.

Missy had a longer day at school, but she was cheery with anticipation tonight. She has a violin recital tomorrow and she's playing a duet with Bri. We're still in the Twinkles... and might be forever, but she can do it. She can even stay on the melody when Bri plays harmony.

I met the little boys' mom today. She came right up and gave me a hug and thanked me over and over. She's doing well. It was so neat to see the whole family together. They are a beautiful looking family. Praying, praying for them. The Buddy saw his daddy coming and his eyes just lit up and he started giggling. So good to see that the ties are still strong. When it was time for me to take the babes away the little girl was the one who could not keep her composure. She pretended to have something in her eye, but it was definitely more than that. So heartbreaking. What a situation. But I believe they are going to pull it together and be a family once again.

The Buddy is talking more and more. He has some jibberish words, but they are pretty consistent. Every time I give him something he thanks me in his language. He signs the few signs we have taught him vigorously. Milk, more, all -done. All done is something he says with his lips, too; when he doesn't want to nap, when he wants out of the tub, when he wants out of his car seat, after sitting in church for less than 5 minutes, when he thinks prayers have been long enough!. Hilarious, really.

The girls are writing finals. Brianna was excited to find out there was no trigonometry final after all. Her final score is a hundred and some percent. How does that work?  As for Geography, she was bemoaning tonight that between now and Wednesday she must finally learn "all the places of the earth. And I sure wish I hadn't procrastinated." 

Vanessa is ready to throw in the towel and  ditch school. She's just a little tired. She was looking after an elderly couple this weekend (Talls) and the care has become much, much more involved. It's a lot for an 18 year old to manage alone.

Christina enjoyed the campout with the Abundant Life group. Even the rain.

My garden is  way behind. Baby takes up all my time.

For those who know us in real life: Our conference re-district our churches again. We no longer have our pastor and his wife. We are no longer sister church to Valley View.  We will be sister church to Abundant Life and share the Canfields. Steve guessed that would happen. I never saw it coming. It probably doesn't mean a whole lot of change for us... just that we won't see the Andersons regularly.


Sophie said...

Hope she wears off on Missy. :)

Unknown said...

I'm with Vanessa on the school thing... and with Brianna too, I guess. I'm studying lots of psychology this week. :P

Oldqueen44 said...

What a blessing for the parents to be at peace that their babies are safe and well taken care of. You can't imagine how huge that is.

I don't think I would like that redistricting thing. I get too attached to church family and Pastors.