Sunday, June 13, 2010

Still On Track

It was me and the twins most of the day at home yesterday. Steve had to be at the hospital and this is the church camp out weekend and I just didn't feel - in light of our current trials - that spending the whole day with friends in a very social setting would be very helpful. I let Vanessa take Brianna and Christina and they enjoyed the day at the campground very much. Little Miss was not happy about them leaving but she was more amiable towards me.Buster must have been really feeling left out the last couple of days because when I asked him to go potty he tried out her tricks. Ugh! It was so fake and yet I had to handle them the same way I would for her because it was nonsense after all, but it made me angry. Up to the top of the mountain we went. He was ridiculous all the way up. We could have turned around at the dead tree, or other points along the path had he given up the stupidity, but of course he wouldn't and I had to hike that whole dumb mountain. It's a killer. I ended up with a headache from the heat. We ran into the neighbor boys and I had to apologize for their ruined peace, but they laughed when I explained.  Anyway.... the kids were fine after that. Little Miss actually did several puzzles on her own. She would bring each one to me for praise and then go back for another one. She has only done three piece puzzles up until now. Steve finally got low census late in the afternoon so we took the kids to join the picnic supper and worship at the campground. It's very hard to keep a leash on Missy. We managed, but she is extremely social but I felt she had to be with me or Steve at ALL times. Some people don't quite understand and would love for her to sit on their laps, etc... They think she is so sweet and needs all the attention. Whatever! They make it harder without realizing it, but she cannot sit with them yet. This morning little Missy was actually glad to see me and came for a hug and excitedly talked to me. She's going swimming today if she can keep it together. Buster is not. He will watch. Every time I have to climb that horrid mountain they will miss out on swimming. That's all there is to it.


Kelly said...

Bless your heart. It is bad enough you are on an emotional mountain climbing experience but to add in the physical climbing as well. UGH. (I hate exercise, esp. if it makes me sweat. LOL)

I feel for you because I live such a similar situation with having two that need so much. When one is doing great the other is not. So hard and frustrating. Makes for no breaks at all.

The social situations are just now becoming somewhat bearable. Beth is VERY clingy and touchy. She comes across as being so sweet and loving. She would crawl in people's laps and snuggle right up on their chest and even rub their hair and face. Nate even did this to a lady, whom I knew but he had never seen, in a baseball parent meeting I was in. Beth was always into women's purses pulling stuff out asking questions about it.

Why adults allow this I can not understand. And then when I would correct them or have them get up the adults would say it was okay. What the heck?

It was beyond embarrassing and it made social outings so stressful. I purposefully sit away from people that I know they will be drawn to or that do not understand where I stand on the matter.

They are much better with adults now because I have been more than diligent with them about it. Now we are dealing with appropriate behavior with other children.

Nate is pretty good, but just 3 days ago we were sitting on the bleachers at a baseball game and I rubbed his head and tickled his neck. When I stopped he reached out to the boy (12 years old) sitting in front of us and did the same thing to him. That boy gave him a look that was priceless. Gave me an opportunity to explain how that was inappropriate but it was quite awkward.

Beth is a mystery to me. She can read facial cues like nobodies business but when it comes to knowing when another child doesn't want to play anymore she doesn't get it. AT ALL. Yesterday at the ball field she was playing with a little girl (7 years old) that she worships. She hangs on her, wants to hold her hand, sits in her lap, constantly wants the little girl to pick her up, talks to her non-stop, follows her and stares at her.... The little girl was tired of it and went to sit with her mom. Beth went too. She ran off and hid. Beth ran after her. She escaped to the playground because Beth can't go (it is out of my line of sight) and refused to come back. Beth stood on the side walk, looking at the playground, calling the little girls name (until I made her stop yelling) out in the blazing sun (101 degrees) for over an hour waiting on the little girl to come back. Sad. I feel for her but I don't know how to help her understand. She will learn when she starts school hopefully.

Glad Missy was happier with you.

Jenny said...

I am so glad to hear you each talk about this. People do this to us also. We had friends at the beach that had never met the girls. They let them sit in their laps, go through their snacks and when I would correct them they would say no big deal. It was very difficult. They would say they are beautiful (which they are) and so sweet. I am thinking if you only knew. Finally I told one of the ladies a few of the words like manipulation, lying, cheating, etc and started to understand. It is hard to keep boundaries the girls need when you are around others that are clueless. One was going to buy the new girls a little ring and not Morgan. Of course I wasn't having any part of that.