Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Enjoli's 15th birthday party.

It was the day after J2B and a "let's just play", kind of a day.

It's also the end of the quarter.

Vanessa finished her finals! Whoohoo!!! And got top grades in her first quarter of nursing school. She works very hard for her grades so we are very excited for her. Her next clinical experience will be in the same hospital her dad works in. He was thrown for a loop when he went to clock in to work yesterday and he had to go through a few extra loops to sign in. He thought, "Oh, man. They hired a new person with my last name!"  And then "Vanessa" popped up on the screen. Well, that explains things. She'll be doing a rotation in OB and Peds there.

Christina has one more exam. So far we know she got an A in English and all possible points for her research paper. She wrote on the evils of coffee...  :-).  

Today two girls are flying here from North Carolina. Christina became good friends with the one sister at YFJ in Florida. Brianna really got to know the other sister in Oklahoma. We should have a lot of fun. Hoping for a little snow around here!!!

Missy is in trouble on the bus. I'm hoping James is pulling out of his funk... I've kind of given up on a few things right now. Let's just get through the month with the least number of fireworks as possible.

Oh.... and my husband is back.  Or at least the beard is gone. YES!!! :-)

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