Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Morning Update

On our new regime the twins have been quite regulated and there has only been one serious defiant/ disrespectful event by Missy. She up and challenged me head on Sunday morning as we were camping!  Steve immediately stepped in and worked long and hard with her. He kept reminding her that he was doing everything he could to save her from a consequence and that all she needed to do was ask God for grace to choose a different attitude. She finally let go of her stance...

Otherwise things have been okay. They have been congenial in the morning and have gotten up level headed and have not missed a breakfast .... 

Until this morning. 

James has no obvious attitude, but he took 4 hours to get his chores done. Granted, I sent him back to redo what wasn't done right, but what should take 15 minutes I give them an hour to do and he took 4! 

He said he had been playing with sticks in the pasture. Whether that is actually true or not I have no idea... It's really hard sometimes to makes sense of a conversation with him when he's being questioned, but I gave him the job of picking up ALL the sticks in the pasture to put on the burn pile for being so S.L.O.W. He was really upset about that but considering there is only one small tree on the edge......?!

The carpet saga is over. It looks great. Just need to put the baseboards back and then start sorting thru everything and putting it away. This has has been acrazy summer. It's so hot and the AC is not very fixable . . .

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