Monday, April 14, 2014


James came home yesterday. I think he would have been just as happy not to. After everybody left this morning he missed the bus... and then came unglued at me when I asked him to start walking. I planned to catch up with him after taking care of the foster kids.  Our little road is quite safe. He has done it before. When the screaming and slamming and ugly words started, i locked the house, hopped in the van and drove away with the kids. I'm not sticking around to fight with him. I knew he'd start walking if I left. And he did.

I dropped the kids off at daycare (it's close to our place). At the end of our road I found one of my girls bikes leaning against the neighbors house so I thought I would catch up to James quicker with it. I did, but then had a bike wreck.  I went head over heels and the bike landed on top of me. I'm waiting to find out if my left hand is broken. Typing is slow with one hand. James had no reaction to my spill whatsoever.

Teresa picked us up. Then Steve left work and had a meeting with James and the principal. Then he took me to the walk in.

The glass on my phone shattered in a million pieces.

Someone put a big dent in my van door.

Neighbor dogs have killed yet another chicken. Always a different dog. Three dead hens in one week.

The orchard workers risked their lives to save Missy's silly cat that was treed by a dog up a telephone pole  and couldn't come down. It was up there 24 hours.

Buddy's family is back home. Vanessa is staying with them for two weeks. She's teaching the kids to do chores and bake potatoes and as well as having worship with them and teaching mom to depend on God for strength. I'm concerned that we don't become enablers. The line between that and helping is a fine one. She's not stable, or consistent. She wants help and then she resists new ideas. She's very sick. We need to be cautious and wise. This is bigger than we are.

Frost fans nearly blew us out of the Valley last night~ figuratively speaking, of course. When I hear them I know to keep an eye on the temperatures. A full moon in April is always so much "fun"! I have more than 450 tomato plants out there, though.... have to be ready to take action should the temps drop. So far so good.


Anonymous said...

Oh my what a time your are having right now. I hope nothings broken.

Amanda Towne said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your fall! I hope that your hand heals quickly.

I found your blog through a link that a homeschooling friend posted, and have spent the last 3 weeks reading it from the beginning.

Praying that God gives you and your husband wisdom in dealing with James & Buddy's family.

Oldqueen44 said...

Well my goodness. Don't you have enough excitement in your life without taking a tumble on a bike? I sure hope you didn't break your hand.
Heal quickly and I will pray the kids have mercy on you and help with daily necessities.

So sad James didn't react to the fall. Sick little boy.

Blessings to you

Preacherstribe said...

Sometimes a wrist is better broken than sprained. Either way, it's a pain. Sorry. May the Lord guide you in trying to help Buddy's mom. Messed up world.