Sunday, December 16, 2012

Finals Celebration

The college girls planned a fun night out on "Tourist Trap Town" after their finals were over. 
and they invited their younger sisters/cousin to liven it up a bit. 

It just happen to be Local's Night.

A party always has to start at the "HAT SHOP", of course.
Ellie knew where all the free taste testers were and
they made good use of that information.
They eventually found themselves at Gelatos  (non-dairy ice-cream shop)
BUT they managed to make decisions after taste-testing nearly everything there.
Bri, who is made of ice-cubes, 
went against the grain and got herself a hot chocolate instead.
While browsing in the bookshop Natalie discovered 
a chemistry book that showed pictures of a certain type of molecule 
and seeing she has ALWAYS 
wondered what that particular molecule looked like just HAD to have the book.
(Sometimes you have to wonder what planet these kids arrived from!)

They ended the evening with a waffle feed at the house
and a rousing game of hide-an-seek in the dark.
There were WAY too many good pictures.
The sugar may have affected their brains... just a little.
Judge for yourself.


Unknown said...

Lol! I love it. Particularly about Natalie and the chemistry book--that's a real college student. :)Looks like they all had fun!

Laurel said...

Looks like FUN! That is our FAVORITE little town.

:) :) :)