Thursday, September 26, 2013

I'm Pretty Sure

 That this was written with me in mind.

Three Lies about Parenting That Steal Peace

I definitely am constantly evaluating my actions and my parenting and my responses and I judge myself harshly. The facts are, this is complicated and delicate and there's something dreadfully not right about my kids brains.

Missy is a bit better today. In fact, enough better that it disturbed the status quo.

James found himself being beaten to chores and his coveted places.... rage took over. There's no logic in any of this. Dad had to leave work and come home because this mother is losing her grip. *She* was locked in a hot shower letting the tears roll.... Not proud of it, but thrashing herself for not being stronger, not praying harder, not being firmer, not having the tools to fix my kids....


agapesmansion said...

Sadly, I've been there many times before. I'm praying for you today.

ErinL said...

Yep, I get it. I really do.

Laurel said...

Only God has the tools to fix our kids . . . but sometimes our children choose not to be fixed.

Mandy said...

I so feel your pain. I was sobbing in my bathtub last night. This is so hard. I hate my inadequacy. I am tired of caring so deeply... I feel you sister.

Oldqueen44 said...

Silly girl. That is why we have hot showers.

Anonymous said...

Be encouraged. Many of us "watch" your life and are strengthened and inspired by how you honor God in your parenting. And God bless your big ones who help and give hands to your daily work.

Mama in Uganda said...

I have to continually revisit the truth that my rebellious children are not a reflection of my relationship with the Lord!

acceptance with joy said...

wow. I am always amazed at home many people have kiddos that are struggling big time.

This evening is looking WAY better than it has been in awhile. First off, Missy had a decent day. She even took it upon herself to clean her own shoes after stepping in some yuck... and she worked happily.

James came home as miserable as he left. THEN Steve was able to take the kids out running one at a time. They need this exercise. They need to get the blood pumping to the brain. It's also discipline. They don't want to go, but a good mile at a moderate pace will discourage them from acting out for awhile. Why do we forget the things that work all the time? Probably because things only work for awhile and then we have to look for something new.

Thanks for all the encouragement and prayers. I am praying for all of you in the trenches with me.

Preacherstribe said...

I feel for you, Ange. When you can get away, come to Eden Valley. We'll give you all the hot showers you can possibly want, with massages.

acceptance with joy said...

Thanks, Dad. Doing better today! Amazing how running helps!!

~Melissa said...

Hmmm, again... this is familiar to me... It is not the same exact trial, but a similar reaction... I find that I want to pull away, when I get hurt, get frustrated... just get me out of here! God is teaching me right now, that the repeated trials are because He's helping me to retrain my own reactions. I may not be doing anything horribly wrong, but my gut reaction when I get hurt is to pull away... and I don't know... I guess I just needed to share that with you... I'm trying to find that "plan" that will keep me from repeating my same response... I think I need time to "be still" so I can hear what God is trying to teach me! (Hugs Angela!) You are amazing... you know that, right? God thinks you are amazing, too! This is part of my plan... to ignore the lies that Satan plants in our heads to discourage us... God loves me (and you) right now, just as you are... we have to hang on to that when inside it feels like all we do is fail. Rest in Him, the one who gives you strength... Glad things are looking up... the good days make the harder ones a little easier to bear...