Thursday, July 11, 2013

Catch Up

We are playing catch up big time... Mowing, weed whacking, weeding, tying up tomatoes... It's looking better. We are picking tomatoes but I know the crop will yield less than usual since I missed some critical parts of caring for them. Just trying to tie them when they are so wild and unpruned is difficult but we're getting it done. I'm pruning ruthlessly.

As for the flooring issues indoors ... I am so sad!! Two weeks after we ordered the company hasn't turned in our order yet and it 's going to be weeks before we see any carpet. We are So Very Tired of living like we are camping out!!! The quotes were wrong. There was a mix up on coverage for the labour part, etc. This could take a very long time to settle.

I'm burning out on the drama from the twins. It's daily. It's constant. It's wearing. I'm losing my patience.  I can get through to James and he is sorry and then he tries hard until the next time. There's no in between or good with Missy. She fights therapy the whole time. She's been crying and carrying on for 5 full days now. If I give her a ten minute chore she turns it into a 8 hour circus. If I try to deal with it it becomes an endless frustration. If I walk away and make it her problem it's much better for both of us, but it makes her so mad at me. I can't wait for school to begin. I have goals and plans for working with the kids, but they fight it all. It feels pointless.

Christina was ready to turn around and come home the first couple of days at YFJ which is so unlike her. She travels and does not get homesick generally.... But she felt alone and had nothing to do.  Most people she knows there are actually her sisters friends and she found it hard to make friends with shy quiet girls who need you to do all the talking. i told her to find someone to give her a job... Scrubbing floors, washing dishes, folding flyers whatever.. .And tell them if they don't she'll start crying and then they will have a big problem on their hands!!! ;-) She found a Job vacuuming the dorm and she's been fine since. She found a running partner and they go at 6 am. She just texted and asked for prayer as she is giving a health lecture in a few minutes. Learning and stretching is what it's all about.

I found a free u pick cherry orchard so Julie has been canning cherries. 

Brianna is cooking for the the weekend big time. The plan is to go hiking after church up to a mountain lake with all of us.  Sunday, an all day hike for the young people was planned that an adult friend was going to chaperone as Steve has to work... But that friend had something come up and it falls to me to go with the kids. I told them 15 miles is my max...Too bad cause they wanted to go twenty over Asgard  Pass and the Snow Lakes. I know for a fact it's too hard a hike for me. Payback time. I remember a backpacking trip my mother endured on heel spurs on my account when I was about 20.  Ha! okay... just kidding about the payback. I think I can do this. The  girls are scouting out their options. If I never write again you'll know what happened to me! ;-P


Laurel said...

Do the twins do a 15 mile hike with you?

Wow! You Go, Mama !!!

:) :) :)

Julie said...

Your girls are amazing! I have to confess that I feel like James most days. I get so derailed by emotions and frustration and have to work really hard to not let my emotions be the boss of me! Praying it's a good day today.