Thursday, October 20, 2011

Positive Words. {It has to be taught}

I love this picture!!!
I'd give photo credits, but I don't know who they go to.

May it brighten your day!

Something I have been doing while we have been working on positive thought/speech in the adult world the last week is teaching the the little kids to replace their negative words with positive words.

I realize I actually have to do this by rote,
as in, 
give them the script,
especially with Missy as they don't necessarily have 
much in their "file" they can pull up at a moment's notice.

When they say something negative I ask them to say 4 nice things to replace those ugly words.
Often I then proceed to give Missy 4 positive sentences to repeat.
It's all done with a smile.

If left to figure out how to come up with 4 nice things to say she'll end up with 
"Yes mom, Yes mom, Yes mom, Yes mom." 
But after a week of working on phrases and sentences that I give her, she can almost beat me to it with,
"I love you."
"I will obey."
"I'm sorry I disobeyed."
"I would be happy to feed the dog."

I'll be content with just a few concrete lines for now until they become a part of her and she is ready for more.

In truth, I'm the one who had to teach her to say, "Yes mom."
So, it should not be a surprise that I have to continue to teach her set lines
and responses.


James has taken on a NEW pastime.

Playing the piano.


I didn't know if he would ever be able to match pitch,
but he is getting there.
And today, I hear the first line of Immanuel being played 
over and over and over again.

He is so intense in choir that he makes people laugh.
Seriously don't know what I'm going to do with his exuberance.
He has no concept of blending in
and sounding as one voice.
I have my work cut out for me :-)

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