Thursday, October 6, 2011

Hip-hip Hooray!

She made it to breakfast!!!

She did her whole morning routine without trying to drag anyone into any battles and she wasn't distracted. She did it with lightening speed!!

She came sat down to breakfast just after the rest of us had gathered. I couldn't believe my eyes and I quick whispered, "On the count of three clap and cheer!!"

So we did.

The look was priceless. She didn't know why were clapping and cheering at first and her face was a picture of confusion while she clapped and cheered with the rest of us. You wouldn't do that to most children for fear of embarrassing them, but this one thrives on praise. She loved it. She's repeated the performance on her own since and let everyone know several times that SHE MADE IT TO BREAKFAST ON TIME.

She's all dressed for school because today is speech class. And oh how she has waited all week to be able to go to school!

She was fairly successful in the other department yesterday, too.  She almost had an accident but she ran to the bathroom hollering at me that she needed to go. She talked all day about keeping her panties clean so she can play with the neighbors. This is 99% mind over matter. This morning there was no trouble using the toilet at all.

Do you know how much energy these kids waste trying to fool people playing mind games? It's exhausting just thinking about it. BUT for today we will just celebrate the cooperation.

I'm convinced that when I write about things on this blog people pray about it because often after I write about something it gets considerably better for awhile. So thanks, whoever you are!


momof4boys said...

You almost put me in tears this morning. I'm celebrating with you guys! Hurray!!!!

Mama in Uganda said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Thanks for sharing.

The mind games sure get exhausting...

Glad this morning was different.

Blessings and joy,