Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Happy Birthday Little Duckie!

Sweet, sweet boy!

Little curls, contagious giggle, a toothy smile
Pinch~able chubby cheeks and little fat rolls
Always a happy face and a ready wave
Thrilled to patty-cake and ever dancing with the music
Such a snuggler... and so sweetly patting me on the back

I tell you I am "Aunty" and you call me "Mama", but you know who your Mama is ~ those bonds are as strong as they should be. Today was suppose to be a gigantic celebration.  . . They set this court date months and months ago to close this case with DSHS... And today they are still holding court, but the case is not closing and they will not be discussing celebration. I really don't know what will happen today. I just know I have to leave it in God's hands and just celebrate your 1st birthday at home with you. And celebrate that I know you and love you, and that, though you had a rough start, you are whole and healthy and happy. We won't try to think about the future. We'll just enjoy today.

You think you are pretty big. You made a call to a guy in Florida this morning ~ first thing. We'll have to watch where we put our cell phones from now on!

Have a happy, birthday little man. We all love you!! May your angels guard and protect you and may you grow to love Jesus!
Previous words to this same babe:


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful picture! What a blessing that he has someone like you. God is good. Antionette

Kelly said...

Happy Birthday sweet boy. Anxious to hear how court went.

Preacherstribe said...

Would a visit to DSHS from you make a difference? Some people need direction. And a good word from one so close to the situation might sway matters in the right direction.