Sunday, February 20, 2011

Our Verse of the Week

Proverbs 30:32

  “If you play the fool and exalt yourself,
   or if you plan evil,
   clap your hand over your mouth!

Now here's a practical solution to an age old problem... :-)

Twins have their own set of special temptations in life. If one child is getting himself into trouble the other will be sure to let you know just how awesome they are and how they would NEVER think to engage in such despicable  behavior!! In fact, you surely MUST know that they are an angel incapable of any wrong doing whatsoever.

The next thing you know - the tables are turned and "angel" is in hot water and the wrong doer is proclaiming his virtues. It's a vicious cycle..... Pride comes before a fall and exalting yourself on high is a catalyst for a very hard fall!!

So, my dear children, clap you hand over your mouth and stay on level ground. There is no one good, no not one. . .

As for planning evil, I think we are much too impulsive to plan anything yet, but it never hurts to hide the Word in our hearts to guard against later temptations.


Marty Walden said...

I used to have my youngest kids put their hand over their mouth when they couldn't stop talking. I usually made a big deal about it, big, crazy stuff to get their attention. I love the verse to go along with the idea!

Jennifer P said...

That tag team thing is brutal. I never understand how they just know how to do that? Hiding the word is the best remedy. Thanks for the reminder.